Press Release 05/04/2023:
CBK Enterprises/Legacy-NC Selected to Lead Five-Year Leadership Program at North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University
Chimi Boyd Keyes
Programs for
College Students, Faculty & Staff
Corporate &
Non-profit Professionals
Aspiring Leaders
topics include
Racial & Gender Equity
A glimpse at my presentation style
Chimi’s Ted Talk:
Bystander INtervention Education
Exploring new ways of thinking about our gender-based violence service & advocacy work
Funding is the Matter Podcast:
Sexual Assault of Undergraduate Women at HBCUs with Chimi Boyd-Keyes, MA
October 31, 2022 | LISTEN NOW!
Thank you for checking us out.
I am Chimi Boyd-Keyes, Founder and CEO of CBK Enterprises. Based in North Carolina, CBK Enterprises is an intersectional for-profit consulting firm that focuses on racial and gender equity for all organizations and with particular expertise in training, strategic planning and assessment of gender-based violence advocacy organizations. The motto for CBK Enterprises is “cultivating safe, inclusive environments through innovation and collaboration.’ We have existed since 2010 and have always had diversity, inclusion and equity as our central focus. We believe in connecting individuals to community goals so that they see that our work is bound together. When a community is elevated, every individual benefits. We are a team of dedicated staff who wish to enhance their services to all members of the community by taking an intentional approach toward equity, inclusiveness, anti-oppression, and anti-racism.

Our integrated and coordinated approach to intersectional programs, services, and trainings includes:
Preliminary assessment of needs and challenges of agencies (or review of assessment work already done)
Training curriculums designed and implemented with participation from multiple stakeholders.
Guidance and training on intersectional and inclusive approaches to assessment to ensure that objectives are being met.
Accessibility of CBK Enterprises staff to oversee progress and make further recommendations.
Current Trainings
Featured Trainings
Intersectionality & Allyship Training
Considerations for Serving People with Historically Marginalized Identities
COVID While Black
How Advocates Can Help
Power & Privilege 1.0
How power and privilege come into play when organizations provide services
Bout That Life
Bystander Intervention for Communities of Color
Equity in Board Development
For Non-profit board of Directors
It Ain’t Over
COVID, Gender-Based Violence & Racism
Power & Privilege 2.0
Deeper Dive into How power and privilege come into play when organizations provide services
Gender-based Violence Trainings
Creating Safe H.A.V.E.N.s/Appropriate Response
Helpers and Advocates for Violence Ending Now
Good Bae, Bad Bae
For High School & College age youth of any gender
Empowering My Student
Serving survivors of sexual violence, interpersonal violence, &/or stalking
H.A.V.E.N. (Helpers and Advocates for Violence Ending Now) ALLY TRAINING
tools and skills to be an ally to someone who has experienced IPV or stalking
Not On Our Yard
Addressing Sexual Assault, Domestic Violence and Stalking at HBCUs
(Sexual Assault/Interpersonal Violence 101)
How Survivors May Present
Understanding how Survivors of Sexual or Interpersonal Violence, & Stalking may behave
Equity & Inclusion Workshops
Beyond Cultural Competence
Using Cultural Humility to Create Equitable and Inclusive Spaces
The Revolution Will Be Intersectional:
Creating Truly Empowering Organizations
Leadership Workshops
It’s My Time to Be BOLD! (for HS & College women)
Building confidence in leadership abilities
Women of Color and Political Leadership
It’s My Time to Be BOLD! (for adult professional women)
Building confidence in leadership abilities
Children’s Book Consultant
Every Body Talk
I was honored to serve as the Racial and Gender Equity Consultant for a children’s book about sexual violence prevention by focusing on body autonomy, healthy relationships and healthy gender norms. Please consider getting this for little ones you know (its aimed at ages 3-9). Learn more at funded by the Erin Levitas Foundation.

We look forward to hearing from you! Send us a message with this contact form and we’ll be back in touch soon!